17. Being a Christian under a Pope who does not believe in God - The Invisible Prophet

Pope Francis does not believe on God

The Arian heresy, that of believing that Jesus was nothing more than a simple man who died crucified, and that if he was resurrected it was to remain away from this world, has spread like a spiritual cancer not only in the Catholic Church, but also in the arts, philosophy and knowledge. 

Proof that Pope Francis I does not believe in divine omnipotence is his submissive attitude towards the international left. This attitude is due to Bergoglio's fear of being accused of complicity with the Argentine military dictatorship of the 1970s. But Ratzinger had already stopped believing in God, as he expressed with his resignation, as well as by the personal denunciation that I have formulated in previous chapters against the efforts of the two popes to destroy me, simply because God appointed me to speak out these and many others truths to a world frightened by death.

The parsimony of a church paralyzed by a Pope who fears that his dark past will be revealed to the world has allowed the metaphysical spotlight of physicists and journalists. Just this week the world was horrified to learn that Stephen Hawking, postulator of the already refuted Big Bang theory, participated in orgies that abused minors on Epstein Island.

Yesterday, for instance, Colombia's Semana magazine published at least three articles about an astrologer who boasted of having made the birth chart for the powerful figures in Colombia, the children of presidents, ministers, senators, etc. It matters little that out of his hundred predictions, ninety-nine do not come true; it's enough for one to be accurate for the masses to be indoctrinated that they should worship stones, that is, the inert planets, rather than a single, omnipotent, and omniscient God, the author and knower of all destinies in the world.

Thus the media avoids saints and prophets and praises child abusers, charlatans, fortune tellers and astrologers. Just compare the media display with witches with the icy silence they have shown towards my revelations, as well as the censorship and control that social media moguls have imposed on my work since I announced in 2012 that God was going to punish the world with diseases. COVID19, which has already passed, and another that is about to break out.

The truth, which I am not afraid to announce here, is that journalists charge a thousand dollars for a press article; A “famous” writer, therefore, is not one who writes the truth, but rather one who invests at least US$20,0000 in advertising presented as articles of general or literary interest. This practice is an open secret among publishers, and the reader will understand the reasons why I did not submit to such a dishonest advertisement strategy. Unlike so many other writers, I believe in an omnipotent God, and I know that my messages will be made known when He sees fit, not a day before or after.

It is true that the world abounds with sorceresses and palm readers. In my adolescence, a gypsy read my palm and told me that I would conquer heaven and earth; at 26, a young man with Down syndrome predicted that I would be, alongside Shakira, the most famous Colombian of my generation; another clairvoyant told me that I would make movies acclaimed by the masses; in earlier pages, I recounted my encounter with an angel who presented himself to me as an astrologer in India.

These prophecies led me, like Goethe's Faust, to study astrology and divinatory sciences; I even predicted, for example, the exact date of my divorce to my ex-wife. An ancient wisdom? An accurate prediction among at least twenty that I made at that time.

The reason why astrology was rejected as a science by the University of Sorbonne in Paris in recent decades is precisely due to its low probability rate. Swedenborg portrays these astrologers, witches, and palm readers in his books as insignificant usurpers of God; the ultimate purpose of their "prophecies" is for their clients to worship and generously reward them for their "gifts". He comments that he saw them in hellish circles surrounded by their entourage of five or six believers who pathetically worship them, unaware that there is nothing left to predict in the afterlife, a dimension where all times coexist.

Most of the clairvoyants I have spoken to assure me that their gift is possessed by any other human being; it is simply a matter of trusting our intuitions, which are glimpses that come to us from the spiritual world. The problem lies in that the spiritual world is composed of both angels and demons, of souls in torment leaning towards good or evil, or the souls of recent deceased yearning for heaven or hell. In other words, the visions that a medium receives depend on their proximity to God or the pleasures of the world; just as there is no man or woman with favourable stars who can succeed if they have offended God (like the case of Rudolf Hess), there is no man or woman, no matter how favourable their stars, who cannot obtain divine grace if they pray to God with a heart brimming with good intentions (as in the story of Saint Paul).

As I demonstrate in my story "The Astrologer" from "Encrypted History," the ideology behind astrology is that God is unnecessary in the equation of our dominion over the world. Hence, today the media alarms us since the 19th century, saying that overpopulation will end the world, that there is scarcity in soils, that we lack energy for mobility, that there is global warming, that we will be conquered by aliens, and that we are nothing but an ephemeral result of evolution, a result of the Big Bang.

The miracle is that the planet currently sustains eight billion human beings, with resources for each one. There is hunger, yes, but the fact that so many masses subsist demonstrates that it is not as devastating as the media insist on preaching.

Simply believing in God is enough to entrust our daily existence to His will, the same will that promised Noah not to flood the world again, and the one that Jesus revealed to his saints to prevent men from destroying the world.

But believing in God, as Alice Cooper told the media, is the real rebellion today. Even art has lost its divine horizon and has leaned towards the religion of the sword. Evidence of this is that most of the celebrated writers and film directors of our era are atheists.

The billionaire producers, eager to indoctrinate mass audiences with an insatiable thirst for power, fame, or riches, finance botched movie scripts, with violent extravagances promoting films that attempt to reduce God to a series of coincidences.

But such films refute themselves.

 “Exodus: Gods and Kings” (2014), an atheist and intractable Moses

Ridley Scott is, like Martin Scorsese and like many other directors of lesser fame, a great exponent of the worn-out cinema of image-movement that the thinker Gilles Deleuze unmasked and refuted in his film studies in the 1980s. In all his films, from “Alien” (1980) to this renewed adaptation of Exodus, there is a human being who, due to circumstances beyond their control, has to take up arms and defend themselves against someone or something that wants to destroy them; the final confrontation between two forces is their greatest achievement, with the inevitable result, according to the convention of Deus ex machina, of the triumph of the hero.

The best scenes of “Exodus: Gods and Kings” are those in which John Turturro acts as the Pharaoh of Egypt and Ben Kingsley as the Jew who must convince, no longer Schindler, but Moses-Batman, that he is the leader the oppressed people of Israel have been waiting for years. The rest is a weak remake of the great movies of Cecil B. de Mille.

The cause of Scott's failure is his lack of faith in what he does; the producers decided to finance a director who publicly boasts of being an atheist and who presents to us the 10 plagues of Egypt as a consequence of crocodiles that devoured half a dozen fishermen. Scott portrays Moses as a fearful person who does not present himself to the pharaoh during these plagues but uses them to send a calf with a message written on its back.

The “wise” Egyptian who presents the plagues as natural causes is the spokesman for the scientific arguments that Scott prefers to explain those divine punishments, but his efforts to attribute climate change to chance fail when said “wise” is pathetically hanged by the Pharaoh.

Christian Bale shows us that DC comic heroes like Batman do not even come close to biblical heroes, and much less to one of the greatest, Moses, who at 80 dared to challenge the most powerful monarch on earth with no argument other than his faith.

Bale is not only an atheist but also a fanatic of the atheist sect, those who tell children that Santa Claus or the divine child God do not exist; in a revealing scene, his Bedouin lover begs him not to tell her son that God is an invention of the human mind. Shortly after, Bale is the victim of a collapse that leaves him covered in mud up to his nose; a clear attempt by Scott not only to ignore but to profane the first demand that God made to Moses in Exodus: “Take off your sandals, for the ground you are standing on is holy.”

Bale revives the gestures and grunts of Batman in a fearful and irascible Moses who does not believe in God, not even after He manifests Himself not in a burning bush, which Scott leaves as a beautiful ornament of the set design, but in a spoiled child who lives obsessed with generals and wars.

Scott's profanations against God don't stop there; Bale raises his voice to God in several scenes and yells at Him as if He were just one among many gods. The same title already shows his irreverence; therefore, the viewer is not surprised when the spoiled brat who plays God does not tell Bale that He is the one who is.

Scott takes his skepticism to such an extreme that Bale loses consciousness before that child, and when Bale wakes up sick at home, he conjectures that it has all been a dream.

But both the capricious and petty idea of God as that of a Batman/Moses collapse when they are forced to faithfully represent the text of Exodus. The change occurs when Moses finally presents himself to the Pharaoh to announce the last plague, that of the death of the firstborn.

The change is too abrupt to be believable; his Batman/Moses does not even have the power that God grants to the biblical Moses to part the sea in two with his staff. Bale is a young soldier who arrives at the sea disoriented and when he sees the waters receding, he "feels" that they should march towards the bottom of the sea, a decision totally implausible according to the character arc that Scott himself has chosen to portray.

Once again, ignoring the scriptures, Scott's Batman/Moses collapses again in his faith at the end when he decides to "sacrifice" himself to save the Pharaoh, waiting for him as the sea bed regains its waters; his humanity, like that of his archenemy, is swept away by the sea. Miraculously and by chance, Christian Bale withstands the pressure of three hundred meters of saltwater over his head, and with him, on the other shore, the Pharaoh also appears redeemed, undoubtedly in the hope of a sequel that we hope never happens.

The recent failure of "Napoleon" (2022) seems, according to Netflix's advertising, to redeem itself with “Exodus: Gods and Kings”, but if the film has had high ratings, it is not due to its excellences, but to Netflix's poor lineup. The world is tired of stories of criminals and thieves and longs for spiritual stories like that of Exodus. When will the world be able to see a series of saints and prophets financed as generously as this mediocre film? It is enough to take William James' text "The Varieties of Religious Experience" to find its source of inspiration.

There is no worse director than one who does not believe in the story he is portraying; proof of this is horror films directed by atheist directors, and especially “Exodus: Gods and Kings”, an unimaginative film, full of clichés, with a disoriented protagonist, with atheist ideas that are refuted by the force of the biblical story that continues to inspire millions of Jewish, Christian, and Muslim believers worldwide.

World War III was fought in mid-March 2023

And it was Christ who decided to confront such a terrifying end of humanity with me on March 15, 16 and 17, 2023; His descent into hell, advocated two thousand years ago, occurred during those days of the 21st century, at the end of time, when the great powers of the world would unleash their nuclear weapons to exterminate two-thirds of humanity.

Luis Buñuel had also announced it in his film “Simon of the Desert”, when at the end Satan transports Simon the anchorite from his solitary pillar in the North African desert to the nightclubs of Manhattan.

In addition to subduing the violent destroyers of humanity, Christ exposed the hypocrisy of the world's leaders, and allowed the gods most revered by various cultures to announce through me their messages to their communities, from the Pacha Mama of the American aborigines to Petrus Romanus, Child Jesus and the Lucifer of the satanic sects; The videos of those speeches were available on my networks, although their dissemination was restricted by Media censors.

Proof of this is the closeness with which the Vatican has followed my words and actions; after broadcasting on Facebook Petrus Romanus's attack against the celibacy imposed on priests "contrary to the Church I founded", Pope Francis announced he was considering on withdrawing such vow; after Lucifer’s speech, in which the Fallen Angel acknowledges having been defeated by Jesus Christ and being at his service, willing to punish those who commit murders and robberies in his name, “hackers” inundated social media with pictures of the Black Pope Francis shaking hands with the leader of the Satanic sect; the day I judged the Catholic Church I said that Pope Francis was having a heavy task, bearing all the pressures of the traditional Catholic men and ladies. The Black Pope was hailed almost immediately, saying that he had a lot of pressure and he was just looking forward to enjoying a happy retirement; on the morning after Jesus defeated the powers of the word, the Black Pope announced to the world that the Third World War had been of spiritual nature. 

The war occurred just three months after the Vatican forced me to flee from Colombia to Europe and from Europe to Colombia due to its relentless persecution. In January 2023 the Lord announced to me that he would no longer flee, because his hosts of angels would protect me; He also revealed that I, reincarnation of Peter the apostle, was the true Pope of his Church, exiled since I was 17, when the Jesuits rejected my candidacy because of “my doubts.”

The Third World War was fought during those days on a spiritual level; from my apartment in Bucaramanga God spoke through me with heavenly wisdom to France, Russia, China, Mexico, Europe, India and Israel; The Islamic leaders had already presented their recognitions in previous days.

What happened those days is the subject of my book “The Third World War,” which includes violent condemnations of those who still do not understand the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

Suffice it to say that Jesus triumphed by reconciling hell itself, and that both France and Russia accepted his dominion over the future of humanity. The United States, along with Canada, on the contrary, took refuge in their gurus and mentalists, and although they understood the futility of attacking me again, they continued to do so in the following months, which has unleashed hurricanes, fires and floods in their States; The hecatombs will continue to devastate North America until the CIA recognizes the persecutions of which I have been its most unjust victim, and its lawyers give me fair compensation for the loss of my jobs and the murder of my children.

These events, which I write inspired by the Holy Ghost, are as perfidious as they are true, and they stirred the wrath of powerful people accustomed to murdering and conspiring in the shadows: they sent a hitman and I had to leave the residential complex where I lived, dressed as a woman, half-naked, so that the entire city of Bucaramanga could see how I was attacked; No one came to protect me, but the hitman failed three times and fled in terror. Then I was captured by the police and put into a mental hospital, where they tried to harm me; They failed and the Ruiz volcano ignited. After 6 days I was released.

Their attacks finally stopped on August 17, when three earthquakes were felt throughout Colombia, just as my name was being pronounced with destructive intentions in meetings between Colombian, Venezuelan, Indian, Cuban and American authorities in Bogotá. Then I published a video in which I explained the spiritual causes of such earthquakes, and how the Lord, in consideration of my love for my brothers, refrained from causing destruction in Colombia. I also asked God to contain the Niño dry season, publishing on social media that it was not going to harm us, in days in which President Petro was tweeting that the worst was about to come. 

My prophecies announced here will be vox populi in a few months, also corroborated by those same people who once believed they would destroy me, in particular by the Black Pope Francis I, whose health deteriorates day by day due to hiding the truth.

Science Fiction and Apocryphal prophecies that will happen

There is a science fiction movie that is being watched by multitudes these days. This is The 27th Day (1957), by William Asher, a film in which, aliens who want to possess the earth, deliver a lethal weapon to five citizens of different nations so that they can use it to give life or death to their planet.

The characteristic of this weapon is that, like COVID–19, it only kills human beings. In the end (spoiler alert), only the wicked and murderous individuals perish, heralding a new era of peace and harmony for the earth.

"And an angel appeared with a flaming sword in his hand that seemed to set the world on fire" is, likewise, the beginning of the third prophecy of Fatima, whose outcome is hopeful: "But the presence of the Blessed Virgin prevented the flames from destroying humanity. The angel shouted three times "Penance!"

Pope John Paul II interpreted this prophecy as something already in the past, to calm his faithful, even more so in light of the prophecy's epilogue: "Then, the children saw the unleashing of a great persecution of the Church, with representatives of the clergy and the laity dying for the faith.” He then alluded to the sacrificed priests and nuns in Africa and the Middle East.

Another more descriptive prophecy is circulating on the networks that would shed light on the third vision of the children at Fatima. Although these are apocryphal descriptions, they are propagated on the authority of one of the most recognized saints of the 20th century, who healed sick people like Jesus in Galilee according to the gospels, and who suffered the blessing of the stigmata.

The apocryphal Padre Pio had announced in 1950 the arrival of three days of darkness in which Satan would have power over the earth, unleashing all the demons that destroy him:

Preparatevi a vivere tre giorni al buio totale. Questi tre giorni sono molto vicini… And in questi giorni rimarrete come morti, senza mangiare e senza bere. Poi will return the light. Ma multi saranno gli uomini che non la vedranno più.

According to passages of the Apocalypse, two–thirds of humanity will be destroyed, those consecrated to envy, hatred, resentment, corruption, murder, theft, lies, rape, intrigue, and deceit.

Those who worship Moloch or other idols will be victims of angels who will descend from heaven fumigating with gases those who dare to leave their homes.

God, however, promises the apocryphal Padre Pio to protect those who remain in his grace, renouncing sin.

The eve of those three days is marked by an event: The Holy Father will flee from the Inquisition to take refuge in another nation.

The recommendations prescribed by the apocryphal Padre Pio are penance and prayer: provide yourself with food and candles or blessed candles for three months, leave food for the animals in their stables, and lock yourself in, locking the windows and doors.

The candles of those who are in the grace of God will not go out, but those who have not repented of their sins will burn out.

As in the destruction of Sodom or Gomorrah, no faithful will be able to look out of his window even if he hears the heartbreaking cries for help from those condemned by the wrath of God.

To sum up their oracles, hell will overflow the world for 72 hours.

Such description, in the light of science fiction, would correspond to an alien invasion; Malefic beings from other planets would devastate the earth for three days, until other beings, that is, other angels, would defeat them and rescue the earth from their clutches.

The survivors would then form a new world, in which the most despised by their governments and societies, by their continued good intentions, and their faith in the precepts of the gospels would now rule the world in peace and prosperity.

It would be the beginning of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth for many generations to come.

The source of these prophecies is a book that was written about Padre Pio, I grandi profeti, by Renzo Baschera.

However, in the process of canonization, 104 volumes of letters and writings of the saint were compiled, and none of them found a manuscript that supported said predictions.

The Capuchin brothers of San Giovanni Rotondo deny, on the other hand, the veracity of these oracles, as sinister as they are hopeful.

No prophecy is, by its very nature, irrevocable.

Didn't the Mayas prescribe the end of the world in 2012?

The same end in which I intervened before God, who was moved to see I interceded for my enemies, in addition to my absence of resentment towards nations that had unjustly fired me from five universities, simply because I did not agree to participate in corruption or conspiracies. 

The purpose of the prophecies, from Tiresias, Isaiah and the Sibyl of Cumae, is to call humanity to attention through the fear of death.

Those who truly remain in the grace of God, on the other hand, know that the Kingdom of Jesus is not limited to this world, and they are not afraid of dying, as Saint Teresa of Jesus expressed:

I live without living in my

And such a high life I hope

I die because I don't die

The prophecies are not intended for saints, but for sinners.

They are a call to change your life. But isn't that the end of the Eucharist, prayer, or any religious service?

In each contact with his divinity, the believer recognizes his excesses and asks for forgiveness, for who lives free of anger, pride, and selfishness in a single day of his life?

It is not only the will, but the circumstances of daily survival, which lead us to make mistakes against others; faults that we secretly regret, but that our pride drives us to justify.

Paul Ricoeur wrote, from his reading of Kant, that feeling humiliates reason, that is, feelings subdue reason, and it forces it to be at its level.

We know that Luther, who was also a composer, cemented the congregation's faith in God through music, achieving its greatest manifestations in the music of Bach.

Music is, as prescribed by German idealists from Fichte and Schelling, pure feeling that bends reason; faith that defeats any theological argument or counterargument, sin, or human weakness, turning it into an offering to the Creator.

Bach told his family that his music was his dialogue in solitude with God. Sin, like evil, finds, in effect, its redemption in the artist.

Those of us who love music know that composers like Bach, Vivaldi, Händel, Allegri, Victoria, and Mozart, not to mention contemporary composers like Bono or Juan Luis Guerra, received their greatest inspiration from the mystery of the imitation of Christ.

Allegri, in his Miserere Me, sings to God:

My God, according to your great mercy.

And great compassion, blot out my transgressions.

Wash me from my sin, cleanse my iniquity.

Because I recognize my rebellions, and my sin is always ahead.


Turn your face from my sins, and erase all my evils.


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